Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Natural remedies to manage diabetes for life

Diabetes is an incurable disease which is increasing day-by-day due to changing diet and lifestyle of people in present day arena. Inactivity is one of the major reasons for occurrence of this deadly disease. Although it is mainly caused due to malfunctioning or low level of insulin hormone in the body however certain other factors may also be held responsible for causing this condition. Whatever the reason may be it is quite important to control this condition otherwise it may even prove to be life-threatening for a person. Medicines are definitely required to control this condition but some natural remedies or measures may also be taken so as to keep this condition under control.

Here are some diabetes tips for the same

  • You must drink plenty of water when suffering from diabetes. Although water is good for normal body functions and overall good health of the body however it is especially beneficial in case of diabetes. It is because water helps in breakdown of sugars for their easy absorption by body.
  • You must incorporate lots of fiber in your diet as it helps in giving you a feeling of fullness which in turn reduces the craving for sugars in a natural way.
  • You must sit under sun for few minutes daily as it helps in getting sufficient amount of Vitamin D which is required for normal secretion of insulin hormone in the body. This in turn controls the condition of diabetes in a natural way.
  • You must carry out exercises on regular basis as it helps in consumption of glucose or sugar present in the blood which is vital to controlling the condition of high blood sugar or diabetes in a natural way.
  • You must cut down intake of sugar and sugary foods from your diet as these may aggravate the condition further. Prefer using sugar-free products so as to keep a check over level of blood sugar.
Apart from this, you may also try some home remedies that prove to be quite effective in the treatment and control of diabetes for life.

Natural or home remedies for diabetes

  • Bitter gourd or bitter melon is one of the most effective home remedies for treatment and management of diabetes in a natural way. Drinking bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach in the morning offers beneficial effects as far as management of diabetes is concerned.
  • Fenugreek is another effective natural remedy to control diabetes. It lowers blood glucose level which in turn helps in controlling the condition of diabetes automatically. Eat powdered form of fenugreek seeds regularly with milk to control blood sugar level. Alternatively, you may drink water on an empty stomach in the morning to which fenugreek seeds have been soaked for an overnight.
  • Drinking water to which mango leaves have been soaked for an overnight offers glucose lowering effect to the blood. It also helps in regulation of insulin level in the body. Even consumption of powdered form of mango leaves also offers same effect.
Using these natural remedies, you can manage diabetes for life and that too without the fear of any side-effects.